Novedades y pertinencia de la Química en la Podología
This is a descriptive study with the objective of designing a model for the selection of contents that you/they allow the improvement of the teaching of the Chemistry, keeping in mind a new didactic conception starting from the relevancy of the contents in the professional performance of the podologist. The universe conformed to with Cuban podologist and students of fourth year of the career of Degree in Technology of the Health in the profile of Podology of the academic courses 2007-2008 and 2008-2009 that you/they study in the Faculty of Technology of the Health in Havana City. The methods of the theoretical level were used: analysis and synthesis; induction and deduction, historical-logical, the systemic focus and the modelation. As methods of the empiric level: the analysis of documents, the scientific observation and the interview. It was determined how contained of Chemistry they are pertinent to include in the program of the subject for the profile of Podology, keeping in mind the podologic health problems.
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Copyright (c) 2011 Servilia Santana Ávila

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