Programa de PsicologÃa para la formación del logofonoaudiólogo. Facultad de TecnologÃa de la Salud; 2007.
Palabras claves: diseño curricular, preparación psicológica, trastornos comunicativos, logofonoaudiólogo.
The present investigation corresponds to a development study that he/she obtains as product the design of the program" psychological Attention in talkative dysfunctions" of the career Technology of the Health, profile Logofonoaudiology, because the subjects of the discipline Psicopedagogy is insufficient so that the students can offer an attention of health to people with incapacity. In the search of information documents were revised like: profile of the regressed, plan of studies of the career, programs of the subjects, national and international study plans. He/she interviewed to experts and key informants. The obtained information allowed identifying the objectives and contents of the new program. Through the triangulation of the information and the method of the modulations was elaborated the proposal that it was validated in a methodological shop with professors of the Ability of Technology of the Health. In the design it was considered the conception of the curricular design, the focus of the Psychology of the Health, theoretical elements of the Logopedia, and the particularities of the pedagogic pattern for this career. One kept in mind the dialectical relationship among the components of the process so that they were in function of a learning developer. They are carried out summations and it is recommended that it is applied, valued and widespread to the rest of the profiles of rehabilitation of the Degree in Technology of the Health.
Passwords: curricular design, psychological preparation, talkative dysfunctions, logofonoaudiology.
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