Pertinencia de los contenidos de ética y bioética en la concepción del diseño curricular de la Licenciatura en TecnologÃa de la Salud.
Palabras claves: ética, bioética, pertinencia, axiologÃa, estatus.
The technical and social relevancy of the formation programs mentions to the capacity of the University to respond to the necessities and demands of the society. In the students of the Degree in Technology of the Health, it is fundamental the formation of the intrinsic values to their profession, assisting to that you/they possess an incomplete formation, since most is young to those that it is necessary still to educate, keeping in mind the observation of the subtlest particulars in their performances and manifestations, as much in the professional thing as in the personal thing. The Ethics and the Bioetic, as integrative subject with a moral focus and axiology and with methodological bases and well sustained psicopedagogycs, on the problems of the health and the life is of vital importance in the formation and the acting of these educandos, because its future work is projected more than in curing the sick man in promoting the individual's health and the community. The teaching of the Ethics and the Bioetic in these professionals reach great importance, because he/she prepares appropriately to the same ones in the human dimension that requires their work, so that the status of the profession is assured in the measure in that its impact is recognized in the organizations and in the improvement of the health and the community.
Passwords: ethic,bioethic, relevancy, axiology,status.
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