Resultados de la actividad de postgrado en la Facultad de TecnologÃa de la Salud de Ciudad de La Habana durante el curso académico 2007-2008.
Palabras claves: tecnologÃa de la salud, actividades posgraduadas, expectativas y resultados.
This curricular design of the post graduated activities for professionals of the Health Care Technology deals with philosophies, epistemological and methodological aspects. Theoretical methods like analysis-synthesis, inductivedeductive and systemic focus were used for this study. The results allowed to propose the following ch a ra cte ristic s fo r th e post graduated curriculum:
a ) T o p romote independence and creativity through the scientific
cooperated investigation taking into account cultural, social and
educational diversity of a person.
b) To be flexible in the temporality, modalities and context of the apprenticeship.
c) Tobes cientificand socially pertinent following the principle of interdisciplinary.
d) T o u s e d th e in fo rma tio n a n d communication technologies (ICT) with the universalization principle of education.
KeyWords : Technology of the Health, Postgraduate Activities, Expectations, Results.
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Copyright (c) 2011 Alina Izquierdo Cirer, Héctor Rodriguez Zayas, Daimary Mendoza RodrÃguez

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